Sunday, February 25, 2018

Melatonin Dosage

One very important question people must ask themselves before starting melatonin therapy is what is my proper dosage. When I first started taking melatonin so many years ago I made a mistake and went straight to the highest dosage available at the time. Just like so many youngsters and even older people I had the miss notion of believing the higher the milligram the better effect it will have on me. On the contrary I tried the highest milligram right away and experienced some side effects. Even though the melatonin side effects weren’t that bad, it did make for and uncomfortable day. I believe I started with 5 mg right away and I remember waking up in the morning drowsy as hell. In fact, I spend the first few hours of my day almost zombie like. Clearly this was too high of a dosage to begin with especially someone just beginning melatonina.