Sunday, February 25, 2035

Melatonina Pills

I have been using melatonin for many years, as a matter of fact over 15 years of usage. In college I worked in the vitamin Shoppe for couple of years, it wasn’t the greatest of jobs however I did learn a lot. Working there as a manager for numerous years sucked nevertheless I learned quite a bit about vitamins, minerals, herbs and health in general. Most of these chain health foods jobs are not that great , but a lot can be learned about health if you just don’t waste your day away! I am neither a doctor or in the medical field, this blog simply represents my personal review of melatonina pills after so many years of usage. I am not an expert or anything but I can simply review melatonin from my personal usage of over 15 years of daily use. 

In case you never heard of melatonin pills or in fact just beginning to learn about them this blog review will be of some benefit to you. In layman’s terms people generally take melatonin in order to help re-set their sleep time and also for jet lag. Even though melatonin has many different benefits to us, people and pets mainly use it for helping to fall asleep and insomnia. Basically, melatonin is a natural hormone which is released when we are in a dark in order to Relaxes and prepare us for sleep.

What Is Melatonin?
Melatonin is a natural hormone that plays a role in sleep. Melatonin production and release in the brain is related to time of day, rising in the evening and falling in the morning. Light at night blocks its production. Melatonin dietary supplements have been studied for sleep disorders, such as jet lag, disruptions of the body’s internal “clock,” insomnia, and problems with sleep among people who work night shifts. It has also been studied for dementia symptoms.

As a quick summary, melatonin is a hormone from part of the brain which is known as the pineal gland. Basically, the hormone regulates your sleep cycle, it gets your body ready to relax for bed and ready for waking up when it’s time. Melatonin is legally sold as a supplement in many forms there are tablets/pills and even liquid melatonin. Melatonin is sold over the counter (OTC) at health food stores and pharmacies across country. Like all other dietary supplements, it is regulated in our country the United States of America by the US Food and Drug Administration also known as the FDA. It is highly desirable to buy from a reputable company because we are concerned with purity and safety of the supplement. Also keep in mind it is officially approved only for certain uses.

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